Color Intensifier+

ConfiAd® Color Intensifier+ is a ready to use solvent based product designed for intensifying the natural color of stone surfaces.
The product is standard color intensifier and it can be colored with


Color Intensifier+


Technical Data Sheets


   30~50 m²/L (306~510 ft2/qt)

   1L (1.05qt) x 12 Cans in 1 Box

Features & Advantages


▶ Intensifies the natural color (Standard)
▶ Maintains the gloss of the polish

▶ Can be colored with "ConfiAd® Color Intensifier-Colorant"

▶ Allows stones to breathe

▶ Excellent weather resistant

▶ Water and stain resistant effect


Field of Use


▶ Marble, granite, limestone, engineered stone, solid surface,

    concrete,  etc.

Untreated Treated


How to Use


1. The surface must be clean and completely dry.

    ※ A drying time of 1~2 days is necessary after the cleaning

        of the area to be treated.

2. Apply the product evenly on the surface using a brush,

    paint roller, mop, or a airless spray.

3. Allow 10~15 minutes after the application, and avoid contact

    to the moisture and direct sunlight.

    ※ Do not allow to dry on the surface if not being absorbed

         into the stone.

4. Remove the excess completely with a clean cloth.

5. For very absorbent surface, apply the product a few times more.

    ※ In case that "ConfiAd® Color Intensifier-Colorant" is used,

        follow the direction for use.

    ※ The best result will be achieved after 24 hours from the treatment.

    ※ Before applying to the entire surface, test on a small area.




▶ Storage temperature : 5~30℃ (41~86)
▶ Application temperature : 5~30℃ (41~86)




Color Intensifier+

Color Intensifier
-Water based

Color Intensifier

Color Intensifier


Color Restorer